I started writing when I joined dev.to in 2017, joining the community motivated me.
After a few articles I decided to create my own personal blog. However, I've always wanted to continue contributing to dev.to. That's why I post articles on my personal blog and then share them on dev.to with the canonical. I suppose it's a standard practice and more than one of you are doing it.
In order to make my life a little easier, I've recently made a GitHub action that posts directly to dev.to when it detects a new article on my blog.
How I detect a new post
To know if the article is new and needs to be published, you can use the markdown metadata to find out. In my case, I keep the date of publication as metadata (in case I want to publish it another day even if it's merged to master).
Then, once it's posted to dev.to with the GitHub action I create another metadata so it gets tagged as published.
Why? Because the GitHub action will run:
- Whenever something is pushed to master.
- Every day at 17:00 UTC.
This way, marking the post as already published, we avoid publishing it twice if we push an article to master at 16:00.

GitHub action in action
name: Publishing post
branches: [master]
- cron: '0 17 */1 * *'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
node-version: [14.x]
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Publishing post
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- run: yarn install --pure-lockfile
- run: yarn run publish:post
DEV_TO: ${{ secrets.DEV_TO }}
- run: |
git config user.name aralroca
git config user.email aral-rg@hotmail.com
git add -A
git diff --quiet && git diff --staged --quiet || git commit -m "[bot] Published to dev.to"
git push origin master
What does it do?
- Programs the action on push to master and every day at 17:00 UTC using a cron.
- Installs dependencies with
yarn install --pure-lockfile
- Sets environment variable
using GitHub secrets. This is required for our script. - Runs our script to publish to dev.to
- Commits and pushes to master only when there are changes.
Script to publish to dev.to
In our package.json
file we have to indicate that the script runs our node file:
"scripts": {
"publish:post": "node ./publish/index.js"
This is the content of our script that publishes articles to dev.to:
async function deploy() {
const post = getNewPost()
if (!post) {
console.log('No new post detected to publish.')
await deployToDevTo(post)
console.log('Start publishing')
.then(() => {
.catch((e) => {
console.log('ERROR publishing:', e)
The getNewPost
function returns the post already formatted in the way dev.to needs, null
in case that there aren't new posts:
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const matter = require('gray-matter')
const deployToDevTo = require('./dev-to')
function getNewPost() {
const today = new Date()
return (
.map((slug) => {
const post = matter(fs.readFileSync(path.join('posts', slug)))
return { ...post, slug }
.filter((p) => {
const created = new Date(p.data.created)
return (
!p.data.published_devto &&
created.getDate() === today.getDate() &&
created.getMonth() === today.getMonth() &&
created.getFullYear() === today.getFullYear()
.map(({ slug, data, content }) => {
const id = slug.replace('.md', '')
const canonical = `https://aralroca.com/blog/${id}`
const body = `***Original article: ${canonical}***\n${content}`
return {
body_markdown: body,
canonical_url: canonical,
created: data.created,
description: data.description,
main_image: data.cover_image,
published: true,
series: data.series,
tags: data.tags,
title: data.title,
})[0] || null
I use the gray-matter
library to retrieve the markdown metadata and its content.
Here's the deployToDevTo
function used in our script:
const fetch = require('isomorphic-unfetch')
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
function createPost(article) {
return fetch('https://dev.to/api/articles', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'api-key': process.env.DEV_TO,
'content-type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({ article }),
.then((r) => r.json())
.then((res) => {
console.log('dev.to -> OK', `https://dev.to/aralroca/${res.slug}`)
return res.slug
.catch((e) => {
console.log('dev.to -> KO', e)
async function deployToDevTo(article) {
const devToId = await createPost(article)
if (!devToId) return
const postPath = path.join('posts', article.slug)
const post = fs.readFileSync(postPath).toString()
let occurrences = 0
// Write 'published_devto' metadata before the second occurrence of ---
post.replace(/---/g, (m) => {
occurrences += 1
if (occurrences === 2) return `published_devto: true\n${m}`
return m
We request to the dev.to API to upload the article and then modify our markdown file to add the published_devto: true
metadata. This way, our GitHub action will detect that there are changes to upload to master.
In this short article we've seen how to create a GitHub action to post automatically our personal blog new articles to dev.to. I hope you find it useful.