App with React API without tools as Webpack or Babel

javascript react experimental

There are tools like Webpack or Babel that seem indispensable when we work as frontends. But, could we make an application without such tools? Even without package.json or bundles? And being able to continue using the React API? Let's see how.

Getting the hello world

We are going to start our App with just two files: index.html and App.js:

├── index.html
└── App.js

We are going to load our App.js file inside the index.js adding the type="module":


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <script type="module" src="App.js"></script>
    <title>My App without Webpack</title>
  <body id="app" />

Then, in our App.js file, we are going to use Preact loaded directly using Unpkg is a fast, global content delivery network for everything on npm. The reasons to choose Preact instead of React are:


import { html, render } from ''

function App() {
  return html`
      Hello world

render(html`<${App} />`, document.getElementById('app'))

Now we can start the project in local with:

npx serve .

And open http://localhost:5000.

We did only 2 steps and already have our Preact App working! Without Webpack, babel, package.json...

Importing other components

To import a new component into our project, once we've created the file:

├── index.html
+├── Header.js
└── App.js

We can use a normal import but be careful, it should finish with the extension .js, because this is JavaScript, not Webpack.

In our App.js

import { html, render } from ''

// New import:
import { Header } from './Header.js'

function App() {
  // Fragments doesn't exist anymore :)
  return html`
    <${Header} title="This is my app">
      An example without Webpack and Babel

      Content of the page

render(html`<${App} />`, document.getElementById('app'))

In our Header.js

import { html } from ''

export function Header({ title, children }) {
  return html`

Using hooks

Sure. We can use hooks in Preact.

// The same React hooks are available on the same package
import {
} from ''

export function Header({ title, children }) {
  useEffect(() => {
    document.title = title
  }, [title])

  return html`



Support of JavaScript modules is available in all modern browsers:

If you want to use a fallback for legacy browser, you can use the nomodule attribute:

<script type="module" src="modern-browsers.js" />
<script nomodule src="legacy-browsers.js" />

Using more packages

On you can search all the npm packages that have support to modules, and their link to import to your project.

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